Summertime and all is green and bright. When bees and fish and mice are dancing and singing all night. |
I'll smack at that chicken who calls himself Rickin. I'll wave my stick That will do the trick. |
With a good swing, I can do anything. |
I swing with a flair as it waves in the air. |
And down comes the bird with nary a word |
I watch it fall, spilling out candy for all. |
Back by the river stand the trees, tall and small, birds, large and small, sing out and call. They sing their bird songs, their very long bird songs. |
Oh, says that cat, who rides in the boat. I think that I will hop out for a float. But no, says the dog, a cat does not like to swim. Are you a barber? You could give my hair a trim. |
At the end of the day, the cats go out to play. They write, they fight, they bite, they fall in a space that is very very very very tight. |
Then the cats go to visit the mice They bring something nice. A bit of cheese a toy that the squeeze to make a squeak because that is mouse for speak. |
They plant a lovely flower to show off the mousy power to show that the cat will be a friend far beyond the end. |
So Lovely Alice!!!
How creative. Loved it!!! Thanks for sharing your walks with us. This was a great one.
I like the way you've illustrated the poem. But the words? Whoever heard of cats writing. The poet just added the word to have another that rhymed. Oh, Doctor Seuss, you're cheating.
pawprint writing.
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