Saturday, September 26, 2015

the climate joy rally in Buffalo

I went to the climate justice rally yesterday at Niagara Square, across the street from Buffalo's City Hall. It was a glorious day and the rally was well attended. Although the issue of climate change is very serious, the rally was full of joy. Here are some of the images from the rally.

Our earth is our everything. Here we are, sharing the story of why we need to take care of our planet and make her whole again.

We come with many voices, sharing the same song. It is the song of love of our earth home, love of the water because water is life, and love of one another.  

We share our stories with words, song, and dance. We play our stories with instruments. We all appreciate it when someone takes the time to listen to our stories. 

We want to hear and to experience truths that go beyond our knowledge and our understanding. Sometimes, we go to houses of worship to do that. Other time, we go into the forest. There are many places that we can go to experience the truths of our lives. 

Because one of the basic truths of our lives is that our earth is our everything, we come here, to one place, to be together, to share that message with anyone who may see us. We talk about a more sustainable lifestyle that is healthier for us humans, for the polar bears, the bees, the butterflies, the trees, and for all living creatures.

The buildings behind us have a golden glow as the sun falls back in the sky.

Here are Saint Francis of Assis' wonderful words about this gorgeous glow. They were written centuries ago but they still live today:

Praised be you, my Lord, 

with all Your creatures, 
especially Sir Brother Sun, 
who is the day, 
and through whom You give us light.
And he is beautiful 
and radiant with great splendour; 
and bears a likeness of You, Most High one.

Drumbeats sing a story and tell a song.

The day is full of fun and adventure. It is necessary to talk about the threats to the environment, but it is equally necessary to express the joys of being alive.

Two of my friends, Maria and Karen, remind us that a nuclear-free (uncontaminated) Cattaraugus Creek is a safe creek to leave to future generations so that they can swim and play and enjoy the water. Water is life.
The Cattaraugus Creek begins at Lake Erie and it goes through the Seneca Nation of Indians' Cattaraugus territory. Nuclear contamination from the West Valley demonstration project (nuclear waste dump) that has leached into the creek has caused serious environmental and health problems there.

So, once again, I share St. Francis' words, the words that convey a truth across the centuries:

Praised be You, my Lord, 
through Sister water, 
who is very useful and humble
and precious and chaste.

Sometimes, no words say more than many. Silent contemplation offers a chance for feeling peaceful and calm, even in a world that sometimes seems to be out of control.

The cutest polar bears ever!!!

Pope Francis inspires us by reminding us to take better care of our earth. Thank you, Pope Francis, for coming to the United States and for giving us hope.

Thank you to all of the wonderful religious sisters who came to the event!

Thank you to everyone who came and shared a love for our earth home.

Niagara Square is arrayed in bright colors, reminding us of how glorious the gift of our precious earth is.

A few more words from Saint Francis: 

Praised be You, my Lord, 

through our Sister Mother Earth, 
who sustains and governs us,
and who produces various fruit
with coloured flowers and herbs.

Some of the gorgeous things also taste great!

Thank you for coming on this little adventure with me.

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