Tuesday, October 24, 2017

My world in black and white

Yesterday, I finished a seven-day black and white photography challenge. Each day, I had to post on Facebook a black and white photograph. The rules were: no color, no people, and no explanations. In this blog post, I will offer the stories that accompany the photographs.

Black and white photography is seen by many as dated, but it isn't. It is a good tool for a photographer to use. It gives the photograph a very artistic quality, much like a charcoal painting. It is easier to see shadows and light in a black and white photograph. It provides more texture and contrast than a color photograph. 

Here are the photographs:

I took this picture while riding on the train from New York City to Buffalo. This is a bridge over the Hudson River. I think that suspension bridges are beautiful works of engineering, and I liked the way the bridge just disappeared into the Catskills.

There is a mysterious quality in a black and white image of something that is dramatically colorful, such as flowers.

This picture was taken in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, near where the Niagara River meets Lake Ontario.

Beaver Island State Park in Grand Island, New York, early in October.

Getting ready for the Grand Island Farmers market to open.

In front of a house in Grand Island. The car appears as if it is higher than the other objects but that is an optical illusion.

I was rehabilitating a garden near Beaver Island State Park in Grand Island. This is the view from that garden.


Jeanine Byers said...

I cannot figure out how that car isn't taller than all the other things!! Love all these pictures. You are a very talented photographer.

Cerebrations.biz said...

It was so easy to develop black and white pictures- and the ISO was so much higher (then) for black and white versus color, that one could take pictures never possible with color. Now, with digital, that's pretty much by the wayside. (Or, in the rear view????)