R is for renewal and revival
Spring is about rebirth and beauty. It's about color coming back to a colorless world. When you experience a very long winter, as I do here in Western New York, the gradual unfolding of spring feels like a miracle. It may be a miracle in slow motion, but it is a miracle. Today was a warm, cloudy day, and there were daffodils galore. Just about everywhere I looked, I saw daffodils. They are wonderful plants. I recommend that you grow them. They are planted in the fall as bulbs. You can plant at anytime in the fall, even into November, just as long as the ground is still soft.
Oh, and if you have problems with deer turning your tulips into a snack, you won't have that problem with daffodils.
Apparently, tulips are a delicacy for deer, but daffodils taste yucky. It seems as if deer are fussy about their food, which is good news for gardeners. So, the displeasure of deer is our happiness.
The spring is a beautiful time for Renewal and Revival!
I remember my mother-in love wondering if a person has taken nibbles out of her tulips one year, then realizing it was more likely a deer!!
I’ve never been much of a gardener. Most greenery wilts away in my presence - however, I’ve managed to keep my cacti alive (so far anyway. LOL) However, I did learn something from your post - did not know that deer don’t like daffodils. In my part of AZ we worry about coyote and javelinas. They eat cats, dog, rabbits, etc.
i didn't know that about tulips and deer! how cute!
Joy at The Joyous Living
"A miracle in slow motion." Love that, Alice!! How much of our lives are we experiencing that without knowing it?
I do love that yellow! And watching spring unfold slowly is indeed a miracle.. thank you Alice
Spring is my favorite season when we see the rebirth and renewal of all the beauty that has been hidden throughout the winter. Love your daffodils!
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