I look at the stuff that is to be thrown out, stuff that once had great value, but, now, is just taking up space. Old theater programs. Yellowing newspapers. Broken jewelry. Stained pillowcases. I look at them and discard them, remembering the joy that they once brought me. I look at other objects and realize that the joy has fled, leaving nothing but nameless wonders.
In an interview that I had done a few weeks ago with my friend Giselle, she talked about cleaning and reorganizing a space as being a spiritual practice. I can see that.
Saying goodbye to the old wonders, both with names and unnamed. Finding homes for the art supplies and the writing utensils and all of those coins.
Today is another day of pause, of saving lives by staying at home.
I think of random stuff, like baseball. The bats are silent today because lockdown means no baseball. And speaking about bats, that's the blogging prompt for today. Bats. What's your favorite type of bat? I had no idea so I googled bats and found the Indian fly fox. It's an enormous bat, with a wing span of four to five feet. It can travel up to ninety miles in a single night. That's pretty impressive. When I think about walking twenty miles in a day, I get tired and my feet hurt. And that's before I've even started walking. Those bats, because they travel so far, are excellent pollinators. You never really think of bats as pollinators. Usually, when I think of pollinators, I think of bees and butterflies and hummingbirds, not bats. So it was interesting to find out about the Indian fly fox.
And speaking about India, my virtual round-the-world journey is temporarily stalled at the Kuno Palpur Wildlife Sanctuary in Madhya Pradesh, India. In a few days, I intend to continue the journey, which will take me out of India, but I don't know which direction to go.
Let me know which option you prefer. You could tell me your preference here, in the comment section, or on Facebook. And thank you for following my imaginary adventure around the world!

I really admire the way you are making the best of your time during this shutdown. I feel so tired from it all, added to the other stress in my life.
I clean and reorganize the same way! I've been tossing so much, wondering why I even saved it to begin with. But also found some hidden treasures.
Have you read Tidying Up by Marie Kondo? If it doesn't bring you joy, thank it for its purpose and then throw or give it away. I liked her book until she had a chapter on only keeping 30 books in your home. 30? Not going to happen! Great post!
Yes, definitely visit both!
Your post flows like a gentle stream, meandering through cleaning chores and flying fox bats and it takes me with it on a journey so enjoyable that I want to read more.
Cheers for that.
Cleaning and organising is cathartic and nostalgic, I feel, especially when one comes across forgotten treasures.
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