Saturday, December 26, 2020

The silent season


The landscape has become silent. I see birds through my window, but they make not a sound. They sit on top of trees and watch and then, fly away as a group.

The seeds of life are now buried beneath the soil, protected by an insulating layer of snow. 

The snow also hides the colors of nature beneath a monochromatic landscape.

Winter has its own stories, but one must look hard to find them. Because winter is the silent season, it will let you find its stories but it will never utter a single word.


Jeanine Byers said...

How poetic! I don't think I have ever thought of winter as the silent season, but you're absolutely right.

Martha said...

Winter might be the silent season but you have shown the beauty in it! Love your photos.

Jean said...

Your photos speak for winter.

Alana said...

It's so true that birds tend to be silent this time of year. And there are all those days with white skies, days of color photo shoots that all come out in black and white. I would be so happy if winter was just a month or six weeks long - long enough to experience all this - then, spring comes! (can you tell that I don't like winter?)