Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Downtown Buffalo in pictures

Today, I start a new Ultimate Blogging Challenge for the month of October, and my goal for this challenge is to share images and stories of places across Western New York. It will be a travelogue, which will include architecture, places to walk, and more. Please follow me for the month to explore the sights of Western New York.

For my first photo essay, I am sharing images from downtown Buffalo that I took today. I had decided to go downtown to visit the farmers' market, which is held throughout the growing season on Tuesdays and Thursdays in front of the Main Place Mall. 

I always enjoy going to downtown Buffalo because the architecture of the city is quite amazing.
Many famous architects have designed buildings here, including Frank Lloyd Wright, H.H. Richardson, Louis Sullivan, Louise Blanchard Bethune, and others. 

In the past few years, Buffalo has had a resurgence in building, and the combination of newer and older designs is fascinating to see. Older buildings in Buffalo date back only to the nineteenth century. During the War of 1812, Buffalo was burned down, and little remains of the original Village of Buffalo.
 One of the buildings that I visited was the Market Arcade. It was designed in 1892 by Edward B. Green and William S. Wicks. The style of this indoor shopping arcade is considered to be neo-classical. While I was there, I met an artist named Judi Mohn Griggs. Judi creates wonderful designs from beads and buttons that come from the Czech Republic. She is the owner/designer of a business called BFLO BOHO. If you're looking for one-of-a-kind jewelry or other beaded creations, check out this lovely store in the Market Arcade.
Judi at work in her store/studio.

unusual planter at the Market Arcade

Here's some interesting detail at the Market Arcade.

I am always fascinated by doors and windows, and these are no exception.

I went to visit my sister, who works at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center. This is an example of a newer building in Buffalo.

The subway station at Allen Street was redone, and one of the changes was the addition of this sculpture.

Fountain at Roswell Park.

The bison is not native to the Western New York area, yet this is a symbol of the city.


Martha said...

Your photos are always so colorful and makes me feel like I'm taking a tour with you! Welcome back to another challenge month!

Cerebrations.biz said...

The Buffalo Arcade reminds me of the Nickels in Ann Arbor.

Alana said...

Some totally wonderful architecture.

Lady In Read said...

that bison fact is so interesting; and as always, love your photos.. that subway art sculpture is cool